Six Fascinating Health Benefits of Lentils

It seems as if lentils have become the new super food, if the current statistics are anything to go by. What was previously known only to some native parts of India and some part of Eastern Europe, are today a household name in most families throughout the world? Could this be attributed to their high nutritional value, or could it be their irresistible characteristic taste and color that brings variety to the dinner table? Here are some of the top notable benefits that will make you consider them as part and parcel of your dinner.
Prevention of Cancer
Are you genetically predisposed to cancer? Well as a matter of fact, you do not have to be at risk of cancer to contract the disease today. Cancer is spreading fast, which is attributed to the kind of lifestyles people are leading today. A study conducted by the Nutrition Department at the Harvard School of Public Health showed that those who consume peas and lentils on a regular basis have a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer. This is attributed to the potent levels of flavones found in these legumes.
Reduced Heart Diseases
By the same token, studies conducted on heart diseases and diets show that those who consume high fiber legumes such as lentils are at a significantly reduced risk of contracting heart diseases. This is attributed to potent levels of magnesium and folate in these legumes.

Weight Loss
For those struggling with weight issues, some good news comes in the form of lentils, your everyday fiber-rich food. Because of the fact that insoluble fiber does not get digested meaning it goes through the body as it is, it introduces very few calories in the body. And since the digestive system can handle only as much bulk at any given time, it means foods rich in fiber (read legumes) tend to be more filling, hence people end up consuming less.
Cholesterol reduction
Owing to their high levels of soluble fiber, lentils have proven to be a very effective legume for getting rid of cholesterol. This it does by binding to the cholesterol, which ultimately reduces blood cholesterol levels. Some studies also show that lentils can slow down the rate at which cholesterol is manufactured by the liver, significantly reducing its levels in the body.
Potent source of Iron
Lentils are equally known as a very potent source of iron, and are an ideal way to refill depleting iron stores in the body, particularly for those who do not derive irons from red meat, such as vegetarians and vegans.
Perk up the Metabolism
Because of the minerals found in lentils such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, you can bet that lentils will help you maintain a strong nervous system, maintain your energy, and above all else, a functional and active metabolism.
One thing that is for sure is that the health benefits of lentils are fascinating; no wonder they are gaining such huge popularity throughout the world.

Remy is a freelance writer that loves to share tips when it comes to healthy eating. You can have a look at his site where you can get some useful information on meal replacement shakes reviews.

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Posted by: Zein Okeh Quick Meal Ideas, Updated at: 12:57 AM

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